Friday, December 16, 2011

Daily Blog Post #43

Today I browsed around google finding a good tutorials. I finally came across one but it took me half the period to find a good picture for the tutorial-__-so I barely started it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Daily Blog Post #42

I finished up the light streak tutorial, like i said it was really easy and quick.It was a good way to practice my photoshop skills,because theyre a bit rusty...So heres the final product...

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Daily Blog Post #41

Today I started a Photoshop tutorial on making light streaks . It's very simple and short, but it has a cool effect. I'll finish it up tomorrow.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Daily Blog Post #40

I have finished the thumbs up symbol project.Its not really a thumbs up logo but it was going to, but i didnt finish it. So I just saw a logo from an official mac miller shirt, and decided to make my own.I just took the little dude that represented Mac and changed the background. I think it came out good, but it sort of looks like the thumbs up project. I used the same colors, and design.But i still think it looks good. Heres the final project...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Daily Blog Post #39

I haven't blogged in a while-__- but during this time period I have gave up on the giraffe tutorial because I didn't really feel self motivated into doing it so if I continued, it would feel like a waste if time. Then I drew something up a couple days ago and used it but didn't like the final product so I ditched it too...
But I have already started something new:) I made a circle and I'm going to incorporate one of Mac Millers logos into it and see if I could do something good with it. I'll probably be done tomorrow.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Daily Blog Post #38

Today I continued work on the giraffe, and finally got past the 10th step. But it took me almost the whole period too. -__-

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Daily Blog Post #37

Today I continued working on the undress a giraffe tutorial. It was all good until I got to step 11 I think, and I got stuck because it told me to clear the background but could not because something was selected. But on the tutorial it never said the step between, josue helped me out too but we still couldn't figure it out. I'll see more into it tomorrow. I also drew up a sketch on some hw because I was bored in a class and will use it in the future.