Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Daily Blog Post #36

Today I started a new photoshop tutorial, its about undressing a giraffe. It looks pretty long but the outcome is funny. I got the idea from manny which had already done it and told me about it. So hopefully I don't take that long.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Daily Blog Post #35

I finished a very simple project I came up with, all I did was choose a font and then incorporated the thumbs up I always do.I just felt both the font and the thumbs up sort of matched.Heres the final project...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Daily Blog Post #34

Today I was looking around for some inspiration, again. Then I went to google and looked for some Mac Miller things I could do. I found a simple one and did one myself.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Daily Blog Post #33

today I was messing around trying to find a way to make the smoke effect.So I did something very basic to demonstrate what Im aiming for. Heres the rough draft,..

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Daily Blog Post #32

Today I was working on the smoke text effect but, I did not continue because I needed a certain brush.So I just dropped the project, Ill just make something else up.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Project: smoke most dope

Estimate: 2-3 days

Resources: text effect tutorial

Grading: does it look good? Im going to probably change or add a few things.

Daily Blog Post #32

Today I started a tutorial in Photoshop.
At first I was trying to somehow make a smoke effect on illustrator with the twirl tool, it looked alright but it wasn't what I was going for. So I went on google and searched up a smoke text tutorial and found one. It should cone out good.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Daily Blog Post #31

I finshed another most dope co logo.This one is really simple and it took me two days to complete, it is very simple and empty and I think thats what bothered me.So I tried adding stuff on but I remembered that sometimes white space can be useful.Here it is, it all started with a text so it may look way to blank...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Daily Blog Post #30

Today I continued my work on the new logo. It looks really simple so im trying to find something to add.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Daily Blog Post #29

Today I finally came up with something.I just chose a font and taught It would look good on some sort of negative effect. Its comin out pretty good even though It is simple.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Daily Blog Post #28

Today I was looking around again and found some inspiration.Im going to draw something today at home and bring it in.

Daily Blog Post #27

I forgot to blog yesterday so im going to do it today. Yesterday I was looking around to find some inspiration or a tutorial I could try.I read a couple articles that Mr.P had on his account about design tips and found some interesting things, like logo design techniques that work and some that dont.Im going to look around some more today and see if I can find something to work on.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Completed Blue Slide Park project

I finished the Blue Slide Park project today. So when I began I used the image of the original Blue Slide Park as reference I made the hills on illustrator and got the background on stockxchange.Then on photoshop I opened up the hills and put the background on a layer under. After i moved around the background and transformed it a bit so the only thing visible was what I wanted. Then I used one of the Dry brushes on Photoshop to draw the slide. Then I used illustrator for the text made the font a path and added an artistic stroke to the path.This is my final image... I believe it looks pretty similar.


Project Name: Blue Slide Park

Time: 1 week

Resources: Original Blue Slide Park image

Grading: Is it close to the original??

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Daily Blog Post #25

Today I kept working on the Blue Slide Park project. I fixed up the hills on illustrator so they actually resembled the original ones. I also fixed up the background so it looked better. I think I'll be done with it by friday.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Daily Blog Post #24

Today I started a new project which is trying to make a Blue Slide Park album cover replica. I made a few triangles in Illustrator and put them into Photoshop. Then I put a sketchpad texture as the background, something I used in a typography tutorial, and put it together.
I found a texture that almost looked like the original and put it inside the triangles. I'm going to work on it some more tomorrow.

Daily Blog Post #23

Yesterday I forgot to blog so I'm doing it right now. All I did yesterday was look around google for inspiration but didn't really find any. Hopefully I find some today.